Women’s rights in the US are being stripped away, primarily by men. These dicks are in the government, at our work, on the sidewalk, everywhere! They don’t value a woman’s opinion and expertise nearly as much as they value her body, so we are taking it all off the table. Onlyfans is supporting women in a strike against having sex with men by providing a space for them to enjoy themselves solo.
Thinking of going home with a man? Let’s Reconsider. We’re gonna be putting reminders in places were woman normally search or think of a man, like a bar bathroom or on a singles mixer flryers, and encourage them to say no to dicks and watch porn instead.
You could easily find a man on a dating app, message him once and have him in your apartment in under an hour. But why entertain a man when he probably doesn’t really respect you? Enjoy your own company without any dicks. Watch porn instead of fucking the patriarchy.